Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Alyssa Lies

     The song that I have chosen that has a significant meaning to me is "Alyssa Lies" by Jason Michael Carrol. Carrol is a country artist that sang a song about child abuse. His purpose for this song was to make people more aware of child abuse. Child abuse is over looked by many people everyday. Most of the time victims are to afraid to speak up because of the consequences that might arise. Normally, the ones that can help are to afraid to ask if anything is going on in the victims life; or to afraid that they might embarrass the victim, or maybe feel stupid if nothing is really going on. Unfortunately, that is where we all go wrong! People need to be more aware that child abuse does happen, while still keeping in mind that accidents do happen as well. Also, people need to realize the what ifs a little more.
     When I say that accidents do happen, I mean, that people don't need to be over worried and think if someone that they know has a bruise that they are being abused. Someone needs to take action, when a student starts coming to school with a black eye on more than one occasion, or wears the same outfit and does not bath everyday; just stuff like that. As for the what ifs; how would you feel if someone you thought might have been being abused really was and you did nothing about it. Or what if someone you knew died because of abuse and you knew it was happening?
     I really believe people don't take that first step, because they are afraid of embarrassing them. But did anyone ever stop to think that maybe them not talking, and always wearing the same holy clothes everyday, is their cry for help? Probably not, because those kids are always dismissed by being "dirty" or "skanky" or just the "weird kid". I bet nobody ever stoped to think about their home life. Did they?
     It just makes me mad, because little kids die all the time, because somebody took their life. It's just not right. To be completely honest after watching this video for the very first time I seriously considered changing my major to social work, just so I would be able to help those people that can't help themselves. I just get so upset when I think about the little girl in the video. Everyone thought that Alyssa was being abused but never really knew because she didn't say anything; and when somebody finally decided to step up to the plate it was too late!
Below is the link to the video Alyssa Lies by Jason Michael Carrol

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